Our Committee
Hainford and Frettenham Pre-School is a committee led charity setting. This means that the management committee share legal responsibility for the running of the charity. We support the pre-school supervisor and staff, ensure finances and policies are accurate and work together to fundraise. Last year we raised over £3250 through our fundraising events!
In October we hold our AGM, where a new committee is elected annually. We are always ready to welcome new members to our committee. Please contact the chairperson (chairpersonhainfordpreschool@gmail.com) for more information.
Membership of the setting carries expectations on parents for their support and commitment. If you aren't able to join our committee, please support our setting by coming along to our fundraising events. Keep an eye out on Facebook and Instagram for more information.
Current Committee
Chairperson: Rosina Monsey (chairpersonhainfordpreschool@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Faye Layton (hfpslatreasurer@gmail.com)
Secretary: Laura Ferris (hainfordpreschoolsecretary@gmail.com)
Fundraisers: Lauren Oliver, Emily Revell-Betts, Tom Horsfall, Louise Laing, Katie Bale, Flick Hindley, Mel Gladden